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Showing posts from November, 2014

Changing Map Label Positions

When using Feature Layers in Spotfire e.g US States, world countries etc, by default spotfire tries to put the label towards the center of the geography. However if you are using multiple layers sometimes the default position may not work out nice. To solve this Spotfire lets you change the position of the label. To do so 1) Right click on the feature layer 2) Drag any Label to a desired position 3) Repeat for other labels 4) Right click and uncheck Edit Label Positions Here is a video demonstrating this quick feature

Multiple Labels on a map chart feature layer

Ever Wanted multiple labels on a map chart feature layer.?? For e.g the map chart below shows the name of the state and the sales total. To do so I added an expression on the label axis as following  Concatenate(UniqueConcatenate([State]),"\n",Sum([Sales Total])) Now you can get more labels to show quick information.

Enable spotfire web services API

To enable the Web Services API using the UI Configuration Console, the Spotfire Server configuration file must be exported to a local xml file. Once the file is exported, locate the following lines: <public-api>   <web-services>     <enabled>false</enabled>  </web-services> </public-api> Change the value of the <enabled> element to “true”, and import the configuration file back into the Spotfire Server from the UI configuration console or you could use the command line console. Depending upon your Spotfire Server’s restart policy, the Spotfire Server may have to be manually restarted for this change to take effect.